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Our pedagogic project

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Our pedagogic project

The project to establish theFrench School of Kampala is based on common objectives based on shared values in a democratic society (respect for others, autonomy, responsibility, trust, integration of differences, secularism, solidarity, equity, tolerance…)

A plurilingual school, open to the world

From kindergarten, students have reinforced teaching in English with non-linguistic disciplines taught by native English-speaking teachers.

In preschool and primary

Classes Hours of English Non-linguistic teaching Weekly total
Medium section

Large section

4 x 45 mn 3 a.m.
CP CE1CE2 3 x 45 mn Art: 45 mn

Sport: 45 mn

Questioning the world: 45 mn

CM1CM2 4 x 45 mn Art: 45 mn

Sport: 45 mn

Science: 45 mn

5:15 a.m.

In middle school

Classes Hours of English Non-linguistic teaching Weekly total
6th 4h EPS: 4h

Plastic arts: 1h

Music: 1h

10 a.m.



3h EPS : 3h

Plastic arts: 1h

Music: 1h

Science: 1h in4th

8 am

(9h in4th)


For non-French speaking native speakers, in-depth support in FLE (French as a Foreign Language) is offered by a qualified teacher

Throughout their schooling, students can sit for certification exams in French (DELF) and English (Cambridge).

Individualize and promote success paths

Teachers care about the well-being and success of their students.
Depending on the needs, support plans (PPRE, PAP, PPS) are put in place.  Up to the 3rdgrade, teaching contributes to the validation of the common base of skills, knowledge, and culture.

With the teacher-resource in information and orientation (PRIO), students gradually build their personal orientation projects.

Thanks to the expertise and experience of the teachers, the students are very well prepared for the French exams of the DNB (end of 3rd grade) and the General Baccalaureate (end of Terminale).

Thanks to Campus France, students are informed of post-Baccalaureate studies in France. But the qualification of the diploma is internationally recognized.

A school community federated around common projects

The school is committed to the fight against global warming and plastic pollution. It is in the process of being labeled “French Establishment Abroad in Sustainable Development Approach” (EFE3D).

We are proud to present to you our mascot Ekikere, to whom students bring empty plastic bottles from home every day.

The school is part of the dynamism created around the world around the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024. It is in the process of being labeled “Generation 2024”.

Throughout the year, students are made aware of the major themes and causes whose days mark the school calendar: day of struggle against school bullying, day of the rights of the child, Day of the Earth, day of the rights of women, day of the Francophonie, day of the bees …