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Our functioning

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Our functioning

The French School of Kampala is an independent non-profit association that respects the framework of Ugandan law. There are two essential bodies in the school:

The Management Committee

The Management Committee (CG) directs and manages the French School of Kampala in compliance with Ugandan law and according to the recommendations of the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE).

The members of the Management Committee are elected by the parents during a general meeting of the Parents’ Association (APE).

Management Committee The parents and manages the school on their behalf meet on average once a month with the management team of the establishment as well as the COCAC of the French Embassy.

The main responsibilities of the Management Committee, in constant contact with the management of the establishment:

Manage all financial aspects of the school: budget, tuition fees, fundraising, payments and cash management, staff salaries, capital and audit.

Manage human resources and finance the establishment's infrastructure and equipment

Ensure that the establishment meets safety and security requirements and rules

Ensure the proper maintenance of school infrastructure and improve the school environment

Participate in the school's communication strategy

The School Board

Around the management and the COCAC of the French Embassy, ​​it brings together representatives of teaching and non-teaching staff, students, and parents of students.

The School Board (CE) is involved in all school and educational aspects with the assistance of the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE).
For example, it votes on the school calendar, decides on the updating of the rules of procedure, or even validates school trips.